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Serves 4 | 5h cooking time | 30 min preparation time

  • 4 large beef chuck steaks with bone
  • 1 onion
  • 1 bouquet garni
  • 8 sage leaves
  • ½ bunch of very young parsley
  • 20 pieces of pickled Nènène onions
  • Olive oil
  • 1 large carrot
  • 3 tablespoons of Bister mustard
  • 2 dl of dark beer
  • ½ liter of beef juice or veal stock
  • 2 teaspoons of black pepper (ideally ground with a coffee grinder)
  • 12 walnut kernels (Franquette)


  1. Season the beef generously with fine salt two hours before cooking to allow the salt to penetrate into the meat.
  2. Cut the onion and carrot into small cubes.
  3. Prepare a bouquet garni.
  4. Clean the sage and parsley.
  5. Drain the pickled onions from their vinegar.
  6. Take a cast iron Dutch oven, pour in a drizzle of olive oil, and start browning the beef chuck steaks until they achieve a nice dark blond color.
  7. Reduce the heat.
  8. In the beef chuck steak drippings, add the diced onions and carrots along with the bouquet garni. Let them brown.
  9. Then, add the Bister mustard and let it cook a bit to mellow its flavor and acidity.
  10. Next, add the pickled onions and the sage.
  11. Deglaze with the beer and let it reduce.
  12. Pour in about 1/3 of the beef juice.
  13. Cover with parchment paper and a lid, and let it simmer over very low heat for between 3 hours 30 minutes and 4 hours 15 minutes. Simmer carefully, moistening with the remaining beef juice.
  14. Three-quarters through the cooking time, add the freshly ground pepper.
  15. At the end of the cooking time, the meat should be tender, and the sauce naturally thickened.
  16. Add the walnuts and freshly chopped parsley.
  17. Serve with a good mashed potato and some fried onions.

Discover all our other recipes using Bister mustard
